The scarcity of organic matter in the soil for field crops is extremely important for yield and quality. Only chemical fertilizer applications are used in the short term may be good, however it poses a threat to the continuity of agriculture with its negative effects on soils in the long term. Poly-culture production with these chemicals, which are used extensively in traditional agriculture, adversely affects the natural fauna and flora balance of the soil and accelerates the inefficiency process of soils. For these reasons, organic production products should be used for sustainable agriculture, which respects the environment and human which protects the natural balance. Vermis Tarım Ltd.Co. produces organic fertilizers with the aim of sustainable agriculture in all agricultural production models. Vermis Fertilizer, which we produce with the same name, has a rich content that nourishes, absolutely friendly to the environment, planth, human health and supports soils in terms of organic matter, and is an organic and 100% natural fertilizer and it does not contain any chemicals. Vermis solid and liquid vermicompost increases the beneficial microorganism activities of the soil with the specific antogonistic coleomic fluid-mucus and special microorganism flora. It regulates the pH balance, removes its salinity if any, attaches to the soil particles and provides soil ventilation. With its micro-granular structure, it increases the water holding capacity of the soil absolutely. With this feature, it provides less watering. It is miracle and very good soil conditioner. Vermis organic fertilizer can be used in the recommended amounts during soil preparation. Chemical fertilizers might be makes burn, but Vermis organic fertilizer is not makes burn. Because of that it can be applied easily between the rows of field crops or in the order of pre-planting and post-planting periods. Vermis solid fertilizer prevents the formation of hard layer by embossing the soil surface. Seeds sown with appropriate temperature and rich content seed bed to form in the soil quickly germinate, provides both side and vertical rooting. It makes strong capillary root structure and accelerates the development. In order for the plants to grow and develop rapidly, they improve the conditions in the soil and provide slow release by providing a long-term quality feed. Perform soil improvement ıt increases the physical, chemical and biological activity of soil. It regulates the pH balance, removes its salinity if any, attaches to the soil particles and provides soil ventilation. With its micro-granular structure, it increases the water holding capacity of the soil absolutely. Balance of the cation and anion in the soil, it provide absorption by plant roots by chelating existing or used later macro and microelements. By ensuring the protection of soil temperature in difficult winter conditions, it is provide less affected by the cold climatic conditions of the roots and plants and ensures the continuity of the phenological processes and their development. It creates a healthy and strong seedling period at the first exits after sowing and ensures the apical development to be balanced and homogenous. Vermis Liquid organic fertilizer is vermicompost based microbial organic liquid fertilizer and with it rich and natural content, increases soil organic matter and improves soil flora. It contributes to the formation of beneficial fauna by increasing the biological activities with beneficial bacteria in its content. It accelerates the formation of meristematic cell for rapid growth of the roots and further feeding, capillary root, vertical and lateral root development. Many natural plant hormones, amino acids, organic carbon, organic nitrogen, macro and micro elements, humic-fulvic acid and enzymes and mycorrhiza bacteria are found in vermicompost.

In the same field, the two young seedlings on the left are without Vermis, and the young seedlings on the right are with Vermis.

Vermis Liquid organic fertilizer is very effective in the rapid and healthy development of all field crops. Mycorrhiza protects the plant roots against other pathogenic organisms. It also suppresses the pathogens of effective disease during and after germination. It increases the resistance of plants against the stress caused by adverse-negative conditions such as heavy toxicity and salinity caused by environmental factors. Mycorrhiza also provides better nutrition against plant diseases and damages. Mycorrhizia also increases the resistance of plants to drought. This is due to the that plants makes vertical roots and capillary roots, both to be better fed and to reach the soil depth for humudity. It accelerates the formation of meristematic cell for rapid growth of the roots and further feeding, capillary root, vertical and lateral root development. It makes healthy plants and rich root system, larger trunk, the most complete canopy and a large number of leaves. Vermis Liquid, after the germinated of seeds 4-6 leaf period starting from the all during phenological period can be used with dripping system or foliar. After transplanting in the field for all young plants or seedlings before flowering first application and then 2. applications are sufficient.